Tuesday 19 March 2013

The Mind Body connection

The mind and body mysteries

The placebo effect

Science still does not know why when a patient is given a placebo instead of the real drug whilst drug trials, the body will sometimes cure itself regardless of no other changes. Only the fact that the mind believes they are receiving a real drug and so their mind convinced that the drug has been given will cure the ailment and so it tells the body cure itself.

                A placebo (pron.: /pləˈsiboʊ/ plə-see-boh; Latin placēbō, "I shall please"[2] from placeō, "I please") is a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect.

During medical trials placebo is given to a control set of patients, while the real drugs are given to another set of patients.  The patients themselves do not know if they are receiving the placebo or the drug.
The Placebo effect is a term used by doctors, when patients who had the ailment that they were trying to cure are suddenly cured after being given a placebo, in other words no drugs at all. Their ailment is then cured by the patients brains believe that he should now be cured.  Science cannot explain this miracle of nature, How does the body cure itself? Can this effect be replicated?

Many people believe that it can, a search in the internet for “how to cure the body with the mind” will reveal several sites that explain how visualization and self hypnosis can help you achieve this.
In an article found in healing.about .com I read that:

The hypothalamus, the emotional center of the brain, transforms emotions into physical response. The receptor of neuropeptides, the hypothalamus also controls the bodyís appetite, blood sugar levels, body temperature, adrenal and pituitary glands, heart, lung, digestive and circulatory systems. Neuropeptides, the chemical messenger hormones, carry emotions back and forth between the mind and body. They link perception in the brain to the body via organs, hormones and cellular activity. Neuropeptides influence every major section of the immune system, so the body and mind do work together as one unit.

The brain is a highly efficient system that is connected to every cell in your body by billions of connections. It is divided into two sides ñ the left, logical side (words, logic, rational thought) and the right creative side (imagination and intuition). Day to day circumstances usually are met in a logical, left brain mode; however by yielding to the right, creative side of the brain we actually restore balance in the brain. This allows access to the mind-body connection to achieve what you want. The right side of the brain automatically steers you to your goal. It totally accepts what you want to accomplish without giving an opinion and acts upon it without judgement. That is why visualization targets the right, creative side of the brain and not the left, logical side.
What does this mean?
Can it be that if we work hard enough we can cure ourselves of any ailment?
If its true how can we do it? Here are some examples of how to do it.
Define Your Specific Intention

Visualization puts your intention of what you want to work. The more specific the intention, the more specific the results. Remember whatever you believe is what your body will do. So when you are thinking of your intention make sure it is:
You feel, know and trust it is being accomplished
Take Responsibility

Trying to do visualization without taking responsibility will prove to be futile experience. To accomplish what you want you must take action and responsibility. Visualization usually takes about 6 weeks to work. It is done once in the morning and before bedtime. Some people do see or feel results the very first time but remember everyoneís body and mind are different and so is the way they process information so have patience. Responsibility is:
Be accountable to and for yourself
Make a commitment
Do visualization regularly
Be persistent and patient
Keep positive
Get Mentally Relaxed

A relaxed state puts allows you direct access to your subconscious mind. Here are some steps to help you relax:
Find a quiet place. Relax in a favorite chair or lie down.
Get comfortable and loosen clothing
Uncross your arms and legs
Get centered by focusing on the breath and breathing (this activates the vagus nerve which is the major quieting nerve in the body)
Totally relax your body and mind

Visualization for healing is a simple process. Once you are relaxed the next step is to actualize your visualiztion.
Think of or speak your intention out loud.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the healing process or as you want to be.
Watch as your body heals you
Feel the healing taking place
Know the healing is being accomplished
If you have difficulty you may want to try one or more of these methods:
Use creative imagery like seeing the cells in your body healing you; your immune system fighting off invaders; your pain being taken away by healing mud
Imagine yourself in a very beautiful place whole, healthy and happy
Try reading scripts from a visualization or self-hypnosis book
Try making your own tape in your own voice
Visualization does work to help boost your body back to health. Don't just work on the body, add the mind to maximize your healing process with visualization.

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