Tuesday 9 October 2012


Where do the mermaids myth come from, there are so many myths that claim sailors have seen and heard mermaids. how can so many eyewitness accounts have been wrong. and why do we not have any current records of eyewitness accounts.

The funny thing is that we do, we just don't believe. here are just a few videos that I found in regards to mermaids. 

In the video above, you will see that before they drop the catch a webbed hand reaches out and tries to free itself. 
In this next video the dead mumified body is found after a hurricane...
the next one is abit harder to believe, but what if.....
Animal planet actually did a documentary a few years ago, which I found most interesting. the following are some of the information that I took from the documentary, and then a link to the documentary itself. 
It all stared with a sound that could not be identified by the Oceanic recording device NOAA
A mass whaling was discovered, somehow two boys where able to record the scene, the video revealed more than they expected.
They had found a mermaid when NOAA biologist got to the scene they where surprised to find that navy was also on the scene.
Respected marine biologist believed that the many was utilizing a new sonic weapon that was killing the whales.
To prove this they listened to a sonic recording. They found a sonic Boom created by the Navy, but they also found something else. A mysterious sound that they could not identify.
The beaching where now happening all over the world, but whales where not the only things that where being washed ashore, Fish, with bone made spears cought on their sides where also found. Someone was fishing with spears in the open ocean.
The marine biologists began to think that perhaps when we began to evolve, we began to walk upright at the sea, our ancestors would walk into the sea gathering fish for foood.
Perhaps it is here that our intelligence began with the fatty acids that where found in the sea.
During this time some of our ancestors moved deeper into the sea while others moved away from it.
Could it be that the ones that stayed in the water would later evolve into mermaids?
It is not the first time in nature that this would happen, polar bears are now aquatic mammals, but they use to be brown bears, found only on land.
But then they found something strange inside of a great white shark, something that was impossible to determine what it was. They had only 30% of the body, but it was enough to study, this is what they found:
A collapsible ribcage, which is only something that marine mammals have.
Omnivore teeth – something that NO marine mammals have.
They took xrays of the tail flute which revealed bones – there are no marine mammals that have bones in their tail flutes.
They found a large spleen, which is something also found in Marine mammals.
A CT scan revealed that the hips where those of a creature that had once walked upright, in two feet.
Armed with all of these incredible identifiers they could only come up with one conclusion. Not only was this a newly discovered type of marine mammal, it was also once related to us. It came from the same family tree as us.
But how closely is this thing that lives in water….to us?
When they reconstructed the skull they found large eye cavities, which meant that the eyes where large, this is normal in animals that can see in darkness. The skull also reveled a similarity to our skull. Similar to our ancestors. They also found that it would be able to create sonic location, and intricate sounds. Which meant that this was the mystery creature that had made those strange sounds in the recording.
Finally there was only one explanation for what they had found.
Its was a mermaid.
Perhaps there are no scientific records of mermaids, but there hundreds and thousands of stories, told all over the world about this creatures.
Why is it that we can believe in God, but not in fable and myths told for thousands of years by hundreds of different cultures that had never met.
As soon as they dared to say the name out laud the government took all of their findings away “confiscation of a find with historical importance”
This means that they could not prove what they had found.
Why would the government do this? Why can we not find out the truth about such a thing?
What would it really mean for the human race if we discovered that mermaids, the thing of myth, are real?
Could it possibly mean that other creatures of myth and fables are also real?
Could it be that we are not as alone as we feel?
What else could possibly find if we where to allowed to explore deeper into the stuff of legends?

But ofcourse this entire ducumentary has been proclaimed false by the agencies involved. When I did a search of DR Paul Roberton I found another video of him, with another name, and even a small clip of the actor in a movie. So this whole documentary was put together by the great imagination of animal planet producers. That a waste....
But could some of their theories be correct? could it be that mermaids do exist? 
Some believe that sea cows have been mistaken by mermaids in the past ( have you ever seen a sea cow?) 
so why then the elavorate hoax? why an hour of information only to find out that all of the bioligists involved where fake, and only actors? 
can we find something in this world that is real? 

The truth is that we have not discovered all known underwater creatures. here is a video of recently discovered creatures of the sea. 

If so many creatures are yet to be discovered, why not mermaids?


  1. I like your honest skepticism. i personally believe in mermaids, or an aquatic humanoid. The evidence in mermaids the body found was very compelling. Although i did find some things about the film that question its reliability i can understand the idea that we evolved from aquatic apes

    1. I completely agree with you. I don't fully place my faith on the animal planet documentary. especially since the so called doctors on it are actually actors, and they should have mentioned that to avoid later confusion. but regardless, I do believe that there is a correlation between myths and tales from all around the world and the truth that is hidden beneath thousands of tons of water.

      Thanks for your comment!

  2. i belive i mean how else would they exist throug out time and the oceans are so large and too deep for man to explore how would they know if they really existed or not

    1. Thanks for your comment Marcus, and I agree. There are animals that are being discovered everyday, everytime they dive a little deeper. and if we are so close to them, how do we know that they dont reason just like us.

  3. If something exist, it exists it is unfortunate for our minds whether we believe it or not...

  4. If something exist, it exists it is unfortunate for our minds whether we believe it or not...
