Monday 8 October 2012

The origins of Satan


An exorcist is a person who can cast out demons. We all know that. We have seen the movies. What most people don’t know is how the demons get in the first place.

Most movies start by a simple girl (why is it always girls?) who all of the sudden begin to see weird and unexplainable things. But why?

Frather Gary Thomas is a catehlic priest in California, he is one of the priests who has gone through the roman catholic training of exercism, his training is somewhat recorded in the book “the Rite” by Matt baglio, which is now a movie. Father Thomas explains that for an demon to take hold of your body, a dorr way must be opened. And you are the only one that can open it.

The origins of satan are unknown, there are no facts to dictate when or where he emerged. One story is that he once was the god’s favorite angel. And as time progressed greed and ego took over his heart and so he asked God to give him his own kingdom to rule over. God Granted him his wish, and Satan was cast out of heaven forever. The story continues to say that Satan did not fall alone, as he fell he grabbed as many angels as he could and they fell with satan to his new kingdom, hell. Once in hell they where his slaves, and became his new demon army. The once angelic beings where condemned to follow all of his order in the new formed Inferno.

His sefishness and ego did not end there, he realized that even though he had a kingdom, he did not have subjects. So he sent out his new form army onto the world to temp the humans to sin, if they sinned enough he knew they would move away from God and closer to him, allowing him to take their souls once they passed into the realm of the dead. 

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