Tuesday 9 October 2012

Other humans???

We have this idea that it was only us in the beggining, but scientist have found that there are several types of humans, that although related to us by ancestry they have split and become a completley new kind of human, one that only has certain markers in teh DNA that are same of us, but would have looked completely different.
So where did they go?
not to be redundant but could these be the human that split off into the oceans (see my previous post)

There are so many possibilities....

The proof is in us. DNA evidence has proved that modernday humans actually breed with Neanderthal. which means that there are a little bit of Neanderthal in all of us, and they are not quite exists. 

Why is this significant? 
if you remember we are suppose to come from teh more evolved species cromagnum man. what this means that 4% percent of us are actually a cross species. 

This means that they where wrong for years. we where not the only ones to survive, and the Neanderthals did not become extinct as they had once claimed but where simply absorbed into our gene pool. 

Could this not mean that for a while there where other specieas of humanoids walking around? 
what about the Giant bones found in greece, India, the united states and more...

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